Male – Average frontal index was0.33±0.03 mm (Table 3). Frons widened slightlyfrom the vertex. Frontal stripe black. Antennaewere black-brown to nearly black, third segmentis about 21/2 times as long as the second, aristawith long dorsal hairs. Palpi yellow, proboscis darkreddish-brown. Thorax black with a whitish-grey
and dark olive pollinosity. Mesonotum with twopairs of dark and broad longitudinal stripes, maybe partly united laterally. Wing hyaline, r1 with afew dorsal setae at base, r4+5 with dorsal andventral setae restricted to the first half or more orless reaching r-m, R5 at its broadest point 21/2 timesas wide as at apex, m terminally sinuous, squamaehyaline, halter yellow. Legs dark-brown toblackish with tips of femur and basal parts of tibiaeyellow. Abdomen with a grey and dark-brownpollinosity, characteristic, with varied extents