In addition, increased knowledge enhances an organization’s ability to solve problems (Earl & Scott, 1999; Zack,
1999). However, it is not only knowledge that is important, but individual attitude and motivation are also
related to business success (Dawson, 2012). For sustainable development, community enterprises should revise
their concepts by producing for sale in niche markets, looking to customers who need handmade products, and
the raw materials of production should come from the natural resources in their area, because it is cheaper to buy
local materials. However, community enterprises should protect and conserve their local natural resources. In
addition, the motivation and concern of the community enterprises are very important to improve management,
because most members there work on agriculture first, and community enterprise is seen as a part-time job, so if
members show more concern and involve themselves in more activities such as production, creating a marketing
strategy, and management. Community enterprises should be encouraged and supported in continuously
developing their knowledge and skills in key areas that include marketing, planning, organizational management,
accounting and financial systems, and business technologies. With a revised bottom-up approach from
governments, and the enhancement of business knowledge and skills by entrepreneurs, Thai community
enterprises will have a better chance of developing into thriving, sustainable businesses.