Political and legal factors
Legal and political issues were found to be related to
children's pain. A fifth of Nigerian women who had
undergone female genital mutilation wanted their
daughters to undergo the same procedure. However, more
than half of them did not know that circumcision is illegal
in Nigeria. It is obvious that agencies working on female
genital mutilation reach only a small percentage of people
for whom circumcision is a traditional practice (Dare et
al., 2004.)
Nurses and physicians working with children having
cancer criticised legal and political system of health care
in Morocco, where access to pain medication is limited
by government restriction, complex policies and cost
factors. They thought that Moroccon law should be
liberalized so that medications, such as morphine can be
more available. Therefore, greater awareness among
decision-makers, such as hospital directors and the
ministry of health staff was needed
Political and legal factorsLegal and political issues were found to be related tochildren's pain. A fifth of Nigerian women who hadundergone female genital mutilation wanted theirdaughters to undergo the same procedure. However, morethan half of them did not know that circumcision is illegalin Nigeria. It is obvious that agencies working on femalegenital mutilation reach only a small percentage of peoplefor whom circumcision is a traditional practice (Dare etal., 2004.)Nurses and physicians working with children havingcancer criticised legal and political system of health carein Morocco, where access to pain medication is limitedby government restriction, complex policies and costfactors. They thought that Moroccon law should beliberalized so that medications, such as morphine can bemore available. Therefore, greater awareness amongdecision-makers, such as hospital directors and theministry of health staff was needed
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