■ Dull ache across LS region when
standing & walking
■ ↓ Pain when leaning forward, walking
uphill, with pillow under knees,
knees to chest, or sitting in flexion
■ Usually (B) pain into buttocks &
proximal thigh
■ Nocturnal pain & cramping
■ Paresthesia that ↑ with BB & WB
■ (–) Tests: SLR & femoral nerve test
■ Postural changes: ↓ Lumbar lordosis
& LE flexion
■ No change in B&B or pulses
■ LMN signs at level of lesion,
UMN signs below level of lesion
(ataxia, reflex hyperactivity (3+),
(+) stoop test, & proprioceptive
■ X-ray may show osteophytes or
ossification of PLL & ligamentum
flavum; CT scan may show bony
encroachment of spinal canal;
MRI confirms clinical findings;
myelogram will show amount of
constriction of thecal sac