a fresh standard nutrient solution without PEG to measure water
and K
transport. Again, bothcultivars showed different behaviour.
The roots of Olimpia subjected to water stress using PEG showed
higher water and K
transport than the roots of the control plants.
In contrast, this water stress treatment did not affect the water or
transport in the excised roots of Jazzy (
Fig. 4
). In addition, PEG
did not have a signi
cant effect on the total xylem solute
concentration (mM) in Olimpia, i.e., 15.15
1.00 (control) vs.
Fortheexudatecollection,theexcisedrootsweremaintainedina fresh standard nutrient solution without PEG to measure waterand K+transport. Again, bothcultivars showed different behaviour.The roots of Olimpia subjected to water stress using PEG showedhigher water and K+transport than the roots of the control plants.In contrast, this water stress treatment did not affect the water orK+transport in the excised roots of Jazzy (Fig. 4). In addition, PEGdid not have a significant effect on the total xylem soluteconcentration (mM) in Olimpia, i.e., 15.151.00 (control) vs.16.250.92(PEG).Theseresultssupportthoseobtainedinthefirstexperiment.
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