urfaces with special wetting properties have beenattracting world-wide scientific interests in recent yearsdue to their desirable practical applications.1–6A sur-face is considered to be superoleophobic (SOP) if the appa-rent contact angle h*for a contacting low surface tension oildroplet is greater than 150.7While a few SOP surfaceshave been previously engineered,8–10there are very fewstimuli-responsive SOP surfaces reported displaying switch-able oil wetting properties11,12and even significantlyfewer13,14functioning as a both SOP and superhydrophilic(hwater 0) coating in air. In this work, we have fabricatedremarkably durable smart surfaces that, for the first time,exhibit clever solvent-responsiveness of extreme wettingbehaviors that display both superoleophobicity with a widesurface tension range of nonpolar oils and quick switch tocounterintuitive superwettability with virtually all the con-tacting polar liquids. Our smart surfaces, allowing nonpolaroil liquids, even for ultra-low surface tension gasoline, suchas hexane (18.5 mN m21) and heptane (20.6 mN m21)