Lesson S&L 19
Task: Respond to four-step action requests.
Prerequisites: S&L 18
Concept: This task is a further extension of the concept of responding to multiple requests. Although receptive or language comprehension skills remain important, the primary benefit seems to be increasing memory regarding spoken requests. In this exercise, therefore, more attention is given to the delay involved after the request is made than to the quality of task performance.
Behavioral Objective: When requested to perform four related tasks after a 1-minute delay, the student will perform those tasks to a 90% accuracy level for 20 trials.
Materials: Objects and materials commonly encountered in the student's environment.
Task Analysis:
1. Review the ability to perform three-step action requests (see the prerequisite).
2. Continue Step 1, adding a single activity after the completion of the three-step request. These requests must have a relationship such as, "Please get a piece of paper, get a pen, make a mark on the paper, and then bring it to me."
3. Continuing the concept of Step 2, presenting all four actions at one time and providing physical prompting as needed.
4. Continue Step 3, reducing all physical prompting to step-by-step verbal prompting and eventually to a point where only the four tasks are requested.
5. To improve the memory component of this skill, make the requests of the student but have the student delay starting his or her response for at least 15 seconds.
6. Continue Step 5, gradually increasing the delay up to 60 seconds.