Dear Pamornrat,
We are Mr. Brown’s counsel. Unfortunately, our client is unable to sign the license in its current form because the rights grant from PBS Thailand is insufficient for Mr. Brown’s needs. The distributor for the documentary requires all third party footage to be cleared in all media, worldwide, in perpetuity. Among other issues, critically, the current draft of the license only provides for a term of one year and for distribution only via television.
As we’d previously stated in correspondence with Sudawan, as a practical matter, it’s very unlikely that there will be theatrical exploitation of the film. Also, our client is still finalizing the total amount of footage from PBS Thailand to be included in his documentary, but it’s presently anticipated that only a few seconds will be incorporated. These factors should be taken into account when determining the ultimate fee and rights grant in the final draft of the license.
Please let us know how we can most efficiently forward in finalizing the license.