In this sense, besides the use of supplements in some
groups that have a high risk of a deficiency of vitamin D,
it might be appropriate to ensure the mandatory fortification of certain food items as a strategy for improving
vitamin D status among population. The results of the
present study may be helpful to health authorities when
assessing the suitability of establishing mandatory fortification. However, fortified foods and supplements should
be used carefully and should not replace a varied and
adequate diet.
In conclusion, vitamin D intake was inadequate in the
adult Spanish population aged 18–60 years. The combination of insufficient sunlight exposure and an inadequate
intake of vitamin D may lead to a deficient vitamin D
status, increasing the risk of many of the diseases that
have been related to vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, an
increase in the consumption of foods rich in vitamin D
(e.g. oily fish, dairy products, cereals and other food
items fortified with vitamin D) appears to be necessary
for achieving an adequate intake of vitamin D. It may
also be important to consider the use of supplements
with vitamin D in those individuals who do not meet
67% of the DRI for vitamin D
In this sense, besides the use of supplements in somegroups that have a high risk of a deficiency of vitamin D,it might be appropriate to ensure the mandatory fortification of certain food items as a strategy for improvingvitamin D status among population. The results of thepresent study may be helpful to health authorities whenassessing the suitability of establishing mandatory fortification. However, fortified foods and supplements shouldbe used carefully and should not replace a varied andadequate diet.In conclusion, vitamin D intake was inadequate in theadult Spanish population aged 18–60 years. The combination of insufficient sunlight exposure and an inadequateintake of vitamin D may lead to a deficient vitamin Dstatus, increasing the risk of many of the diseases thathave been related to vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, anincrease in the consumption of foods rich in vitamin D(e.g. oily fish, dairy products, cereals and other fooditems fortified with vitamin D) appears to be necessaryfor achieving an adequate intake of vitamin D. It mayalso be important to consider the use of supplementswith vitamin D in those individuals who do not meet67% of the DRI for vitamin D
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