This is a question I have every morning. This morning by the time I ran out the door I had a slice of toast and a cup of coffee. I am pretty certain that was not the healthiest breakfast I could have had. We have been told for age’s breakfast is the most important meal of the day from the time we were children, however as we’ve gotten older the importance often falls prey to stress, late nights outs, running late for work, and getting the kids out the door. Regardless of the situation what to eat for breakfast is still an important question for people of all ages.
To answer this question, you need to understand what the core components of a healthy meal should always consist of. Every meal should have a certain amount of protein, carbohydrate, and fats. The protein will help you stay alert during the day, making you feel energized, as well as helping you avoid the crash that often comes with pastries, and coffee. The carbohydrate will provide a level of stored energy that is slowly release hours later, providing stamina as well as helping curb hunger pangs, lastly healthy fats will give you the necessary energy needed to go about your day.