to the floor. The feeding unit was driven by a 0.19 kW 220 V50 Hz elec การแปล - to the floor. The feeding unit was driven by a 0.19 kW 220 V50 Hz elec ไทย วิธีการพูด

to the floor. The feeding unit was

to the floor. The feeding unit was driven by a 0.19 kW 220 V
50 Hz electric motor, a 1: 20 gear reducer, a chain and a pulley.
A U-shape rubber cushion was attached to the surface of
conveyor belt with 80 mm spacing of the partial containers of
the fruit for uniform semi-automatic fruit feeding. The sizing
machine, made of steel and 390 mm wide, 1510 mm long and
765 mm high, featured a galvanised steel receiving tray
600 mm wide 1100 mm long, and 80 mm deep. The receiving
tray was cushioned with 20 mm rubber foam with two
adjustable partitions for the desired fruit size separation. The
sizing belts diverged and were inclined to the horizontal plane
at a degree. Each of the two sizing belts, Ammeraal type Nonex
EM 8/2 Blue FG were 100 mm wide and 2500 mm long. The
outer surface of the belts was lined with 4 mm latex foam.
Each belt was driven at the same velocity by a 220 V 50 Hz
electric motor operating at 1450 rpm with reducing gear and
a universal joint to facilitate the adjustment of belt angle.
A cloth conical tube was placed between the end of the
feeding belt and the beginning of the sizing belt to control the
vertical descent of the java apple fruits, to decelerate fruit
drop onto the sizing belt thereby reducing damage to the fruit.
The movement of the fruit on the sizing belt was below
horizontal thereby minimising vertical sliding. The conical
cloth tube was 120 mm long and made of yarn. It had
a 100 mm aperture diameter at the top and 60 mm aperture
diameter at the bottom. The feeding machine and the sizing
machine were placed in proximity to the cloth conical tube
and were well aligned
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (ไทย) 1: [สำเนา]
to the floor. The feeding unit was driven by a 0.19 kW 220 V50 Hz electric motor, a 1: 20 gear reducer, a chain and a pulley.A U-shape rubber cushion was attached to the surface ofconveyor belt with 80 mm spacing of the partial containers ofthe fruit for uniform semi-automatic fruit feeding. The sizingmachine, made of steel and 390 mm wide, 1510 mm long and765 mm high, featured a galvanised steel receiving tray600 mm wide 1100 mm long, and 80 mm deep. The receivingtray was cushioned with 20 mm rubber foam with twoadjustable partitions for the desired fruit size separation. Thesizing belts diverged and were inclined to the horizontal planeat a degree. Each of the two sizing belts, Ammeraal type NonexEM 8/2 Blue FG were 100 mm wide and 2500 mm long. Theouter surface of the belts was lined with 4 mm latex foam.Each belt was driven at the same velocity by a 220 V 50 Hzelectric motor operating at 1450 rpm with reducing gear anda universal joint to facilitate the adjustment of belt angle.A cloth conical tube was placed between the end of thefeeding belt and the beginning of the sizing belt to control thevertical descent of the java apple fruits, to decelerate fruitdrop onto the sizing belt thereby reducing damage to the fruit.The movement of the fruit on the sizing belt was belowhorizontal thereby minimising vertical sliding. The conicalcloth tube was 120 mm long and made of yarn. It hada 100 mm aperture diameter at the top and 60 mm aperturediameter at the bottom. The feeding machine and the sizingmachine were placed in proximity to the cloth conical tubeand were well aligned
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