It is easy to notice that a high level of consistency and harmony exist
among the components of the QA model. Corporate culture, structure, leadership,
and national culture are consistent with the elements of QA and well
as with one another. This consistency is likely to ensure a successful QA
7. Conclusion
This paper proposed an implementation model for QA. A successful
QA implementation requires a corporate culture dominated by the values of
decisiveness, team orientation, risk-aversion, stability, attention to details,
and high organization or formalization. Such a culture is fit for achieving
conformance. QA also requires a formal and centralized organization that
uses cross-functional teams that have to abide by the rules and regulations in
order to ensure process control. Leaders of QA organization must be patient
with details and concerned about systems and structure. QA is implemented
more effectively in national cultures characterized by collectivism, masculinity,
high power distance and high uncertainty avoidance and long term orientation.
The above discussion shows how total and holistic QA implementation
is. First all dimensions of corporate culture, structure, leadership and national
culture are fit with the QA components of conformance, control and systems.
Second these dimensions are all fit with one another. This model provides
managers with an integrated approach for QA implementation that is
likely to contribute to significant decrease in failure rates of quality intiatives.
This model does not stop at the QA content but answer highly important
questions about the organizational antecedents of culture structure and