This report is based on monitor-level summary statistics. Air quality standards for some pollutants (PM2.5 and Pb) allow for combining data from multiple monitors into a site-level
summary statistic that can be compared to the standard. In those cases, the site-level statistics may differ from the monitor-level statistics upon which this report is based.
Readers are cautioned not to rank order geographic areas based on AirData reports. Air pollution levels measured at a particular monitoring site are not necessarily representative
of the air quality for an entire county or urban area.
AirData reports are produced from a direct query of the AQS Data Mart. The data represent the best and most recent information available to EPA from state agencies. However,
some values may be absent due to incomplete reporting, and some values may change due to quality assurance activities. The AQS database is updated daily by state, local, and
tribal organizations who own and submit the data. Please contact the appropriate air quality monitoring agency to report any data problems.