We have cited the gambit of compliance, stylistic unity, and corroborative reference merely as examples of the possible methodical use of the concept of organization by competent users. The examples are based on reflections about ethnographic materials depicting life in large-scale and formally programmed organizations . We have indicated earlier that such formulations must be regarded as preliminary at best . Whether what we have tentatively called the
referencethrough the sensibility of esthetic appreciation exists effectively or not, is a matter to be decided by empirical research. Without doubt, these suggestions will have to be revised and amplified, but they must suffice to illustrate the ethnomethodological study of rational organization.In conclusion, we should like to mention that there remains for this inquiry one more problem that we have mentioned in passing but have not discussed adequately. We have noted that the methodical use of the concept of organization must be studied by observing competent users . We mean, of course, socially recognized competence. Consequently it is not within the prerogative of the researcher to define competence. Instead, while he looks for the right way to use the rationalities subsumed under the concept of organization, he must also be looking for the rules governing the right to use the concept.