Meat quality results, which include pH values, colour measurements and drip loss, are presented
in Table 1. The pH value was higher (P≤0.001) in 2-years frozen than unfrozen pork.
Microorganisms and endogenous enzymes degrade meat proteins, produce ammonia and
organic sulphides and amines, which could have increased pH [9]. There was no (P>0.05) effect
of frozen storage duration on L* values, but a* and b* values were significantly (P≤0.001)
lower in 2-years frozen pork. Similarly, Hansen et al. [10] reported that redness was lower for
30 months-frozen chops than for fresh chops and they did not find significant differences in
lightness. Both 24- and 48-h drip loss percentages were higher (P≤0.001) in 2-years frozen than
unfrozen chops.