10. Planning effective dialogic teaching How can you introduce dialogic teaching into your classroom? In dialogic teaching we are seeking to move from the situation where the teacher is the centre of communication to a situation where the teacher facilitates dialogue between the pupils. Teachers and other adults Teacher Pupil Pupil The dialogic teaching approach may be used as a part of a lesson or as an episode, or a series of episodes during a lesson. Start with short activities of about five to ten minutes, then review this way of teaching and agree with pupils how the process can be improved. Build up your own and the classes expertise slowly. You might try working with a small group within a class first to gradually build your own skills Language for learning Concentrate on how to phrase questions so that you encourage conversation rather than create the more usual 'guess what answer l am looking for response from pupils.
Duangdao Sapkhanarak
Duangdao Sapkhanarak
A teacher may say I'd like you to do that in groups with little guidance on the composition or size, where pupils should work, how long they have, and what is expected of them. A very common grouping for practical work, group talk or project work is friendship grouping, offen in groups of three or four, or without specifying the size of group. Task K. Group work Before reading ahead, jot down as many reasons as you can for each of the following Why teachers often allow pupils to work in friendship groupings; Why pupils choose friendship groupings when given the choice; Why teachers may choose groupings of pairs, threes and fours, Why not specifying a group size may be a problem for the teacher and for individual pupils. You may have had thoughts such as: for the teacher, little or no forward planning is required to arrange friendship groupings. The likelihood of confrontation is reduced and if pupils are already sitting with friends they do not need to move far given the choice, pupils (quite understandably) choose the lowest risk option and sit with friends many classroom tables lend themselves to being used in groups of three or four. Also, there may be inadequate resources or equipment for smaller groups; pupils can choose to sit with big groups and therefore have less to do and make it more difficult for the teacher to keep them on task. Less popular pupils may be excluded from some groups.
Duangdao Sapkhanarak
Duangdao Sapkhanarak
Appendix 2 can help you with planning group work. Thinking ahead and preparing the ground Start by thinking in terms of flexible 'grouping plans' which can change according to the activity, rather than fixed 'seating plans' which usually do not. Many teachers adopt seating plans in September and do not alter them all year except for handling unwanted behaviour. Introduce new ways of working at a time when the pupils are most receptive, such as a morning lesson, after a holiday break, or starting a new of work, but do not it off until next September! Make it clear how long you expect pupils to work in these groups and that they will be changed again shortly. Get into the habit of changing groups regularly, anything from once per week to changing mid-lesson. Whatever you are doing in class, always express grouping and seating plans in terms of learning, rather than in terms of behaviour management. Changing groups will be more difficult if pupils regard it as a punishment for poor behaviour or low productivity rather than an important aspect of learning. In all lessons you should be the one to decide on seating to make it easier when you want to move pupils. Even if you allow them to choose from time to time, make it explicit that the choice is yours and do not back down if pupils complain. If your school has a policy of alphabetical or boylgirl seating, they can return to this for whole-class' teaching as needed.
10. การวางแผนมีประสิทธิภาพสอน dialogic วิธีสามารถคุณแนะนำ dialogic สอนในชั้นเรียน ในสอน dialogic เรากำลังจะย้ายจากสถานการณ์ที่ครูเป็นศูนย์กลางของการสื่อสารกับสถานการณ์ที่ครูช่วยพูดคุยระหว่างนักเรียน ครูและผู้ใหญ่อื่น ๆ อาจารย์นักเรียนนักเรียนวิธีสอน dialogic อาจใช้ เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของบทเรียน หรือ เป็นตอน หรือชุดของตอนระหว่างบทเรียน เริ่มต้น ด้วยกิจกรรมระยะสั้นประมาณ 5-10 นาที แล้วทบทวนวิธีการสอนนี้ และเห็นด้วยกับนักเรียนวิธีการสามารถปรับปรุงได้ สร้างของคุณเอง และความเชี่ยวชาญเรียนช้า คุณอาจลองทำงานกับกลุ่มเล็ก ๆ ภายในชั้นเรียนก่อนค่อย ๆ สร้างทักษะของภาษาเพื่อการเรียนรู้สมาธิวิธีวลีคำถามเพื่อให้คุณส่งเสริมการสนทนา มากกว่าสร้างขึ้นปกติ ' l คำตอบใดกำลังมองหาการตอบสนองจากนักเรียนเดาได้Duangdao Sapkhanarak13:07Duangdao SapkhanarakA teacher may say I'd like you to do that in groups with little guidance on the composition or size, where pupils should work, how long they have, and what is expected of them. A very common grouping for practical work, group talk or project work is friendship grouping, offen in groups of three or four, or without specifying the size of group. Task K. Group work Before reading ahead, jot down as many reasons as you can for each of the following Why teachers often allow pupils to work in friendship groupings; Why pupils choose friendship groupings when given the choice; Why teachers may choose groupings of pairs, threes and fours, Why not specifying a group size may be a problem for the teacher and for individual pupils. You may have had thoughts such as: for the teacher, little or no forward planning is required to arrange friendship groupings. The likelihood of confrontation is reduced and if pupils are already sitting with friends they do not need to move far given the choice, pupils (quite understandably) choose the lowest risk option and sit with friends many classroom tables lend themselves to being used in groups of three or four. Also, there may be inadequate resources or equipment for smaller groups; pupils can choose to sit with big groups and therefore have less to do and make it more difficult for the teacher to keep them on task. Less popular pupils may be excluded from some groups.Duangdao Sapkhanarak
Duangdao Sapkhanarak
Appendix 2 can help you with planning group work. Thinking ahead and preparing the ground Start by thinking in terms of flexible 'grouping plans' which can change according to the activity, rather than fixed 'seating plans' which usually do not. Many teachers adopt seating plans in September and do not alter them all year except for handling unwanted behaviour. Introduce new ways of working at a time when the pupils are most receptive, such as a morning lesson, after a holiday break, or starting a new of work, but do not it off until next September! Make it clear how long you expect pupils to work in these groups and that they will be changed again shortly. Get into the habit of changing groups regularly, anything from once per week to changing mid-lesson. Whatever you are doing in class, always express grouping and seating plans in terms of learning, rather than in terms of behaviour management. Changing groups will be more difficult if pupils regard it as a punishment for poor behaviour or low productivity rather than an important aspect of learning. In all lessons you should be the one to decide on seating to make it easier when you want to move pupils. Even if you allow them to choose from time to time, make it explicit that the choice is yours and do not back down if pupils complain. If your school has a policy of alphabetical or boylgirl seating, they can return to this for whole-class' teaching as needed.
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