When you are the person making the call, be sure to use proper phone etiquette from the start. You want to be sure to be polite to the "gatekeepers" i.e. Secretaries, receptionists etc. that answer the phone for your business contact, as they are the ones who have the power put you through, (or not) at 4:55 pm on Friday, when their boss is getting ready to leave the office. They may sit outside of the office, but they too have influence and power so a greeting such as "Good morning, this is Penny Jones, I'm returning a call from John Jones, is he available? is a bit of etiquette well spent in the long run. It would also be wise to learn the names of the top assistants, and use their names to make them feel noticed and important. Some business relationships, especially in fields like sales and marketing, start or stall right at the front desk.