video camera are incredibly useful in the EFL classroom.
The main thing you need to look out for is ease use(if inexperienced people are going to use them) and good microphones.There's no point in recording students if you can't hear what they say. Video cameras have two main uses in the classroom :in the first, the teacher films the students doing an activity. She can then play the tape so that she and the students can discuss the activity. Who said or did successful things? Why didn't a certain piece of English work?What was wrong about the way a student delivered a talk etc?.
The second use of video cameras is for the students to make films as part of a project or an activity. They can record their own news broadcasts or documentaries.They can record and perform their own play or soap opera.They can take the camera out onto the street to go and interview people.In the planning and execution of these tasks, a lot of good English is learned and used.
There are a number of things to watch out for with video cameras/camcorders. Firstly,you need to be able to use them properly,so some training for teacher and students is a good idea. The second danger to watch out for is that students don't take the situation seriously enough and just fool around with the camera. Lastly, we have to make sure that a student doesn't get stuck behind the camera-and therefore lose out on chances to practise English.